Luciferian Philosophy
Michael W. Ford will be giving a presentation at the upcoming Flambeau Noir online conference Jan. 29-31st, 2021. He has given talks previously at Flambeau Noir in Indianapolis, Indiana USA on July 25-27, 2014 and in Portland, Oregon USA on the weekend of April 27-29, 2018
Author of over 24 books, Michael W. Ford has over 20 years of experience in the study and practice of Magick and Luciferianism. A passionate student of ancient near eastern and Hellenistic religious and magical traditions, composer of dark ambient & ritualistic music and American Black Metal pioneer, Michael W. Ford is a leading Luciferian visionary and Left-Hand Path Adept. Striving to expand Satanic, Luciferian and Dark Magicial traditions with insight for students of the occult, Michael is the Co-Owner of the Luciferian Apotheca, a large and dedicated retailer of Left-Hand Path and Darker Esoteric supplies.
Michael's initiation has been over a 25-year journey upon the Left Hand Path; development and framework of Luciferian Philosophy. He is a Magus in the Luciferian Initiatory Brother and Sisterhood: The Order of Phosphorus (TOPH) and the obscure and private organization, Black Order of the Dragon. Michael's Luciferian Philosophy and initiatory teachings established him as a co-founder and Archon in Greater Church of Lucifer. GCOL is a philosophical organization centered in rational Luciferian philosophy. The GCOL was the first legally registered Luciferian/Satanic/Left-Hand Path organization to have established a physical building in Spring, Texas. In 2017 the GCOL was transformed into the Assembly of Light Bearers. The ALB is focused on a balanced point of reference for Luciferian Philosophy and the practice of Magick.
Luciferianism is not a "trend" or "fad"; it is an actualized philosophy and self-transformative initiatory path. Mr. Ford's teachings and grimoires offer a unique level of knowledge and no matter how you approach Luciferianism, when one unites Will, Desire and Belief the subjective self-initiatory experience will bring awareness, insight and power to the strong-minded individual. His grimoires unveil the Luciferian Tradition which includes a rational philosophy as a foundation of Left-Hand Path Magick and Spirituality. Each book presents deeply researched, developed and refined initiatory teachings which reveal the real nature of "forbidden" Luciferian, Satanic and Vampyre Magick.